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Pinkysil® – Fast Set Silicone

From $57.50
Pinkysil silicone is super fast setting, User friendly with its 1:1 mix ratio by volume. Ideal for achieving small intricate

Pinkysil Putty Silicone Rubber

From $51.75
Pinkysil Putty is a flexible silicone impression putty. A kneadable, addition-curing two component silicone putty that cures at room temperature

Pinkysil ODDBOD Lifecasting Silicone

From $36.80
ODDBOD is a smooth viscosity, long lasting addition curing silicone rubber designed for lifecasting. ODDBOD is applied directly to the

Epoxycast Clear Casting Resin

From $48.30
Epoxycast Clear Casting Resin Epoxycast Clear Casting Resin is a two-part, clear system specifically designed for casting small to medium-sized